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We provide you with the most updated statistics about Vikings Go Berzerk right here! All of the game information remains relevant and accurate, thanks to our stringent search criteria which allows us to bring you fresh updates and detailed analytics. As such, online game rankings, game developers, and operators, can be built basing on our diagrams. In turn, it will help to get a clearer picture about modern market tendencies and trends within the online gambling industry.

Furthermore, formal data about Yggdrasil’s game position at casinos and popularity among players can be found in our Statistics section. Here you can find diagrams such as the the dynamics about the quantity of casinos with the opportunity to play Vikings Go Berzerk, and how many of them placed this slot on their homepage. You can also find details about Vikings Go Berzerk’s average position in casino lobbies (the games’ slots rank rating that contains analysis of general slot placement data), as well as the game countries data (this is the map, where you see the main jurisdictions where game is certified and amount of casinos that accept players from these countries).

Quantity of casinos



The Quantity of casinos diagram indicates the changes in the amount of online casinos offering Vikings Go Berzerk and which of them put this slot on their homepage or lobby. The translucent part displays the number of casinos where you can find the Vikings Go Berzerk video slot. The opaque part points out the number of casinos that placed the game in their lobby. The following diagram shows the statistics for past several weeks.

Position in lobby



On this graph you can find data about the average position of Vikings Go Berzerk in the lobbies of casinos. This statistic calculation is based on the information from the casinos that are in the SlotCatalog database. When a casino has Vikings Go Berzerk slot, but doesn’t put game in its lobby, the position is counted as 100. This graph allows you to see how an overall snapshot of how players’ interest with regards to Vikings Go Berzerk is changing during the past few weeks.

Slots Rank

The following ratings show a compilation of a slot game’s position. The calculations are based on how casinos place these slots in their lobbies. All positions are determined by means of SlotCatalog’s database. The default position is set at 100, in the event that a casino doesn’t offer this slot or the game in its lobby.

SR (+/-)  Game name Avg.pos. Quantity Release Date

(Avg. pos.)* - average position in the casinos lobby

(+/-)** - difference between current position and position on the previous week


Game countries

The Game Countries statistics section allows you to observe the primary jurisdictions of the video slot certification as well as the number of casinos that allow residents from these countries. Clicking on a certain country will reveal the casinos that accept players from its region.

Top 5 countries

SlotCatalog.com  provides detailed analytics of the main casino markets that host the Vikings Go Berzerk video slot.

Online Casinos - Where you can play Vikings Go Berzerk slot!